LaTeX templates — XeLaTeX

Report template for students of TU Delft's course TI3115TU Software Engineering and Methods, part of the Minor Computer Science.

An XeLaTeX thesis template for research postgraduate (MPhil and PhD) and professional doctorate (PD) students at City University of Hong Kong. This thesis template builds upon the CUED PhD thesis template from Krishna Kumar. It is adapted to meet the regulations governing the format of theses (as of 2021-22). Please read Regulations Governing the Format of Theses and Sample of the Front Cover/Spine/Title Page of a Thesis (Appendixes 13 and 14 of the Guidebook for Research Degree Studies). See thesis.pdf for an example PDF created with this template. Credit goes to Krishna Kumar, author of the CUED PhD thesis template above. This template is included in CityU-Thesis, a collection of LaTeX thesis template for students at City University of Hong Kong. You can find more templates in that repository. For more details, please visit

This is the English Version of NTUST latex thesis template. 國立台灣科技大學latex碩博士論文範本 v1.7.1: Support 14pt font

Thesis Template for NJUPT undergraduate students.

Undergraduate thesis latex template, school of EECS, Peking University


适用人群:面试简历,程序员,求职,留学。支持中文、英文。 A Chinese CV based on the Deedy CV template.

Template for submitting Lab reports on a weekly basis for the course Electronics of the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens

This thesis proposition template contains topics and guidelines that should help define and select a suitable thesis. Created based on the 1-page Friggeri CV template.
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