A template for mubeamer, a beamer theme for the typesetting of presentations at the Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic).
Estudo Bíblico sobre a bênção de poder contribuir financeiramente no Reino de deus
Template de Apresentação em LaTeX para o Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo.
This is a beamer template according to the new KU branding style
Going over guidelines for successful code reviews
Flux is a modern style beamer presentation. It is based on simple design patterns and flat colors, and inspired by the Metropolis theme. github.com/pvanberg/flux-beamer
This is a modified template of the Feather beamer theme by Lilyana Vankova and LianTze Lim to include Thai language.
LaTeX template for presentations.
Sermão apresentado à Igreja Presbiteriana Central de Coronel Fabriciano - MG
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