LaTeX templates — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Plantilla para memoria de pŕacticas EPS-UAM

This template is a report template for Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, PhD Thesis Monitoring Report. It is in Turkish! Feel free to use it!

A simple format for internship project reports. Released under Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). Created by: Krishnanand K Nair, Integrated MS Physics Batch of 2016-21, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram Contact Info:

A thesis frontpage for Bachelor students studying Mathematics at the University of Groningen

Laboratorio correspondiente a hidraulica a presion, perdida por Accesorios HL

Template para relatórios da disciplina FEELT31109 (Enriquecimento Instrumental) da FEELT/UFU, Brasil.

Template para relatórios da disciplina FEELT31109 (Enriquecimento Instrumental) da FEELT/UFU, Brasil.

Modelo de Relatório de Atividades para a disciplina GSI524 - Redes de Computadores criado por Thiago Pirola Ribeiro. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU Faculdade de Computação - FACOM Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação - Campus Monte Carmelo.

This is an exact copy of the official NRC Astro2020 white paper LaTeX template. Re-published for community use on Overleaf by Jason Tumlinson (STScI / JHU).
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