LaTeX templates — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Based on the Imperial DoC template here, with thanks:

Mall för verksamhetsberättelser

Modelo do relatório final de estágio do curso de Sistemas de Informação da UFC-Crateús.

Modelo do plano de trabalho de estágio do curso de Sistemas de Informação da UFC-Crateús

Third Year (T.E.) Mini Project Report Template made by me for submission in case of SDL (SPPU B.E. 2015 Pat.)

Please follow the instructions given in the tex file seminar_report.tex This document contains essential templates required to write technical reports using LaTeX. This template may be used for the preparation of B.Tech seminar reports of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala. Also minimum working examples to create equations, include figure, include table, table of contents symbols list and bibliographic citation (using a bib file) in a Latex document are provided. Please note that this template is provided without warranty on an AS IS basis JIM

Unofficial template for a title page of a thesis report at the Swedish Agricultural University, SLU. This template follows the layout of the template posted for MSWord at the website of the university. In addition, this template supports logo for another institution or organisation.

Template para elaboração do projeto de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso para a Escola de Matemática Aplicada FGV-EMAp

Se presenta una plantilla básica para la elaboración de un paper.
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