LaTeX templates — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Modelo de relatório de experimento para as disciplinas experimentais do Instituto de Física da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Elaborado pelo Prof. Júnio M. R. Cruz e disponibilizado no Overleaf pelo Prof. Leonardo Luiz e Castro.

RU template

This is a formal write-up of the first theorem we proved in class. You can use this as a template for your own write-ups. The notes in the comments of the code should provide a brief introduction to using LaTeX.


This template was created for Ball State Math Students

A template file with example citations for Math 335's article summary assignment at Central Washington University.

Plantilla Repositorio de Matemáticas Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito

Basic template that can be used to format/write your MAP!

Template for the final assignment report for the course MV013 Statistics for Computer Science taught at the Faculy of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno.
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